Story List and Biography

Morf Morford

Bubbledon County
It Was The Summer of 1980
In Sasquatch We Trust
My Life Doesn't Look Like The Pictures On The Box
Where Is Justice?
Visit From Grandma
I've Had A Hard Life
The Wonderland Trail
All In My Head
The Body Never Forgets
You Need To Breathe
Remember "Likability"?

Photo by Alexander Nachev on Unsplash
Photo by Alexander Nachev on Unsplash

Writer, teacher, word-nerd, 98% vegan, listener, community story-teller, poet, advocate of the oddities of earthly existence. Scavenger of the unlikely. I'm currently the editor for a tiny local newspaper. I've been a college level instructor (writing, literature & public speaking) for far too many years. I write poetry, odd commentaries and occasional meditations on the absurdities and serendipitous events of everyday life in the 21st Century.  I live in the Pacific Northwest (upper left corner of the USA) and like to explore odd corners of the (un)known universe.

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